Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rizal landing site monument

Rizal Landing Site is one of the latest developed monuments in honor of the Philippines’ National Hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Rizal Landing Site is situated in Sta. Cruz beach where Jose Rizal landed at 7:00 pm on July 17, 1892 to begin his expatriation life in Dapitan. Together with Captain Delgras and three artillery men, they walked through Sta. Cruz Street with a “farol de combate” or lantern going to the Casa Real. He was submitted to Don Ricardo Carnicero, a Spanish Military governor of Dapitan during that time. Later on his exile, Rizal made the Relief Map of Mindanao and the City Plaza Square. He attended Sunday Mass at the nearby St. James Church during his stay.

The Rizal Landing Site is visible when you’re in any part of Sta. Cruz Beach in Sunset Boulevard. Because of its bright lights, it becomes eye-catching at night. A big cross stands in the middle of the perpendicular road fronting the monument. The Rizal Landing Site is a conventional 15 minutes walk from Gloria Fantasyland.

The realization of this historical landmark was made possible through the sustainable development efforts and and initiatives of former Cong. Romeo "Nonong" G. Jalosjos, and the City Government of Dapitan concretized by the artistic touch and technical expertise of the following personalities:  Antonio Tuviera (concept and production), Nilo Ajo. Ferraren (architect), Manuel Tolentino (sculptor), and Ronel Roces (installation and bronnzing).  This monument was unveiled during the 4th Handuraw Celebration on December 28, 2009.

"...wherever I go I would always be in the hands of God who has in His hands the destinies of man." 
-Jose Rizal-

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