
Friday, March 29, 2013


Baclayon Church is the second oldest church in the Philippines and one of the oldest church in Asia  It is located in the town of Baclayon in Bohol. 

The church declared as a National Historic Treasure in 1995 because it is considered the best preserved of its kind in the region. Its first structure was built in 1595, but the current building is from 1724 and has a Spanish Colonial architecture.

Baclayon Church is made of coral stone, cut into blocks and piled atop each other. To move the heavy stones from tree to the building site, native workers had to use bamboos. It is said that millions of egg whites were used to cement the coral stone blocks together.

How to get there

Baclayon is a short 6-km trip from Tagbilaran City, the capital of Bohol. From Tagbilaran, you can get a jeepney or bus ride bound for Baclayon. You may also hire a tricycle in Tagbilaran to bring you there.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog as well Bryan!

    Keep traveling..
