
Sunday, January 6, 2013


Calinan is part of my life.I'm living in this beautiful place for 7 years now. A brief history, I met my wife here and we both graduated at Holy Cross College of Calinan. Presently, we are living a happy and simple life with our two healthy angels. Its not easy to live here because there are no fastfood like Jollibee and Macdonalds. I have to travel downtown for 40 minutes just to fill my eagerness.

LTH Building

With the on going construction, the people of Calinan need not to travel far just to taste the food of JOLLIBEE - the largest food chain in in the Philippines. Everytime I pass the area, I'm wondering  how their store will look like. Maybe the store will be designed similar to their other stores in downtown.  According to my source, the opening of the store will be late of this month. Like everyone else, I'm also excited with the opening. Just like a little child standing excitedly in front of the store while waiting for the shutter doors to open so that I can taste everything my eye can see and my nose can smell.

NCCC Calinan

For the past 2 years, NCCC is the easiest way to buy clean, and instantly prepared food. They have Munchies - which served value meals, burger, French fries, halo-halo, waffles etc.

Public Market

The simplicity of this place is the reason why I love to promote it so that it will be discover by the whole world. Being the adopted son of Calinan, my responsibility is to continue give importance of this place.

Caltex Calinan

Compra's Merchandising

This place is has great potential in promoting tourism and agri-business. This is for the reason that Calinan is home of the Philippine Eagle Center, Malagos Garden Resort and Puentesfina orchids. Aside from that, Calinan Banana and Pineapple Plantations are as always booming with the help of different corporations, like the Sumifru Phils., Dole and Davao Ventures Corporation (DAVCO).


To cater the fast moving pace of the economy in Calinan, different banks from rural banks to commercial banks opened to cater its needs. One of them is the largest rural bank, the One Network Bank, where I worked here for 4 years, and commercial banks like RCBC, and the newly open Allied Bank.


Holy Cross College of Calinan

Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai International School Calinan

Educational institution is not a problem in Calinan from public to private schools which offers preparatory, elementary, high school and college, name it and you will have it here. The best example of this is the Holy Cross College of Calnan.  Technical schools has emerged in Calinan like The Philippine College of Technology which offers technical courses. There are also international based schools in the area as well. A lot of Calinenyos are descendants of the Japanese that is why the Philippine Nikkei-Jin Kai International School and Amigo School of Calinan had been established here to teach nihongo and this is the school of my daughter.

Calinan today is far better, when it comes to business and tourism, compared to what it was before. Whatever happens, hopefully the simplicity of the place will not be transformed into a polluted and noisy place in the future. My love for Calinan will never fade. I will continue blogging to promote and make Calinenyos proud.

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