
Saturday, July 14, 2012


The interesting life of Dr. Jose Rizal was one of the reason why I went to Dapitan City where the Rizal Museum  was located. I'm already tired that day because I just arrived from a short trip in Dumaguete City. The big waves scared me in this travel, luckily I rode a big fast craft. Its raining when I reached Dapitan Port. I negotiated with some of the tricycle drivers so that I can reach Rizal Museum.

The painting and the memorabilia of Rizal reflect on how he became the Hero of our nation. He was the one who inspired other people like me to continue believing that there is hope in our nation. This is the reason why I continue to blog despite the tight budget because of my passion for travel, exploration, and most of all because of my family.

Table & Blackboard of Rizal

It was a nice visit, because I was able to see in real life, some of the relics that reflects Dr. Rizal's life. Lastly, those things inspired me more not to stop exploring and most of all to do things for all good reasons.

How to get to Dapitan City

By Air:
From Manila, Cebu Pacific Air offers daily flights to Dipolog City, the capital of Zamboanga del Norte. Travelling by air takes approximately an hour.

By sea: 
There are ferries that offer transportation from Manila to Dapitan City. These ferries often take the Port of Pulauan in Dapitan City and from there one can take public transportations to get to the neighboring cities.  The Strong Republic Nautical Highway (RORO) could also be taken. It takes less than 48 hours to get to Dapitan City.

By land: 
Busses of the Rural Transit and the Evergood Trans Industries, Inc. travel to Dapitan City.

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